Skopje – In the footsteps of Kurt Hielscher

The devastating earthquake of the 26th of July 1963 left the city in ruins, almost half of the buildings severely damaged, over a thousand deaths and a 120.000 homeless. The scenery of the city changed dramatically as these photos of the fortress show.

I visited Skopje The Capital Of Macedonia three times, in 2006, 2017 and last June. Last decade the city center changed again, this time by the hand of humankind. Some people call it Disneyland now. I think it is impressive, not sure if I love it, the overwhelming changes of the 2014 project, but I do like to wander around the center of Skopje, have a chat and take lots of photos

This article is publised thanks to Casper Molenaar

Fortress Skopje 1926 vs. 17th of June 2018

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