AvAv Happy Dog Center
AvAv Happy Dog Center – Responsible owners, responsible community, happy dogs
AvAv Hepi Dog is first private Eco-friendly Amusement Doggy Park in Macedonia, for dogs and their owners which is formed as a social enterprise and is made entirely of recycled materials, which is in full accordance with our values and beliefs to be responsible for the animals, the environment and the planet in general.
We offer: Dog Day Care, Playground with agility ramps for dogs, Dog Pool, Grooming, Dog Bakery for healthy homemade dog treats and cookies, Coffee bar for owners entertainment and Educational center for responsible ownership of dogs. The mission of Avaw Hepi Dog as a company is “to improve the quality of dog’s livelihood throughout creating a pleasant space with lots of content for education, entertainment and play of dogs and their owners, in order to “find all the necessary products and services in one place”. We create a center in which everyone will feel pleasant with his pet, exchange experience, place for performance of public events with different contents addressing homeless dogs and environment protection, and the awareness and responsibility for good care of dogs by the owners, especially to children as future dog owners. A center that will be open to all lovers of dogs and all those who want to contribute to solving this problem, and at the same time a center that will support the formation of other social enterprises for the production of eco / accessories for dogs and who have the same vision as we, and that is to create a community where every dog will have a secure home, to provide every dog with basic care and the city of Skopje to be a city without street dogs and violence against animals.
Mob: 077 541 635
Groomer: 078 846 912
WEB: https://avavhappydog.mk/
Address: 29FQ+7C Skopje
Fb: Avav happy dog
Instagram: Avav Happy Dog
Tweeter: AvAv Happy Dog @AvavDog